Give Me Brilliance

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Picking Up Choreography in Class

One thing I love about dance class is the brain workout. Learning and executing sequences of movements while timing them to music is challenging and satisfying. 

Except when it's frustrating!

If you are finding that you are losing the joy of dance class because you are struggling with combinations and choreography, here are a few tips!

1) You're doing better than you're telling yourself.

Your brain is translating visual, auditory and kinaesthetic cues very quickly, and it may take some time for those channels of communication to reach all the muscles and reflexes needed to embody the information. 

In other words, give yourself time to digest what you are being asked to demonstrate. I know, not the most gratifying truth, but patience with oneself is something to practice daily, and dance class is a perfect place to start.

2) Practice makes progress.

Yes, that old chestnut. Just like any coordination, picking up choreography is a skill that needs practice. And, like anything else, consistency is key.  

Challenging yourself to the skill of learning choreography is huge and something that a dancer cannot master in a day. It takes many, many attempts at interpreting someone else's physical direction to get it right in your own body.

If you allow yourself to face your challenges consistently, they do (eventually!) get easier.  

Simply, it's hard until it's not. And even that fluctuates - but regular attempts will accelerate your progress and make the difficulties more manageable and fun!

3) Ask questions!

If you need help understanding, ask your teacher! 

Keep asking. Don't feel bad for questioning multiple times during one class.

You are not being selfish, disruptive, or at risk of judgment. In fact, your courage to mine for more information will help the other students in your class.  

Your teacher will take some things for granted, especially the movements that feel natural to them. We are all operating from our perspectives and realities, and if a transition seems 'simple' to your teacher, but you cannot for the life of you figure out what your body is meant to do, say so. 

Your teacher's job is to figure out how to share their information with you. So get the most out of your time and money and ask questions. I promise others will thank you.

Be proud of yourself.

Dancing is a mix of athleticism, artistry and puzzle-solving. It's a holistic endeavour that reaps many rewards, and doing it with others is another thing about it that I love so much. But, as a student, you can (and should!) make it about you; your determination, practice, and joy.  

Celebrate the courage it takes to learn new things - you're terrific 🤩


Miss Jen